Sekačka Pro Glide
Hrábě pro centrální dodávky
Integrovaná balička
Integrovaná balička s variabilní komorou
Lisy bez sekačky
15 nožový lis
25 nožový lis
Lis na vázání fólií
Lis s variabilní komorou bez sekačky
Lis s 15 noži a variabilní komorou
Vysokokapacitní lis s variabilní komorou bez sekačky
Vysokokapacitní lis s variabilní komorou s 15 noži
Round Bale Wrappers
Balicí stroj na kulaté balíky s dvojitým dávkovačem
Vysokorychlostní ovíječka kulatých balíků
Balicí stroj na čtvercové balíky
Dmychadlo na slámu a podavač siláže
Rozdělovač kulatých balíků
Manipulátor kulatých balíků
Step 1 of 3 - Info on your machine & your business
McHale Products can be seen operating in over 50 countries across six continents. In this section you can read about the experiences that professional users from Iceland to New Zealand and Korea to Canada have had with their McHale Products.
Our business has developed from a retail farm machinery dealership, which is still in existence today. Through this our company has benefited from its close relationship with our final customers.
Your experiences and opinions are of the utmost importance to us, so please take the time to tell us what you think. As a reward for your feedback, for each completed contribution which we publish on, we will send you a McHale Fusion 3 Scale Model as outlined in the photo.